It is simply tragic that Spain is experiencing such a massive economic crisis. It is rare to see a  country as large as Spain with such devastating financial, economic and employment problems due to the government and banking industry. Other large countries such as Germany and the US are not in such dire straits but that is understandable as they are much more efficient than Spain that has offered their workers endless perks and benefits.

I suggest that Spain be proactive in the face of this crisis if they ever want to get out of it. The Spanish could, for example, increase exports and productivity, which would increase their national GDP and help the economy recover. To increase productivity, workers would have to work more with less pay. This way, the people would be happy that their government has money again because Spain would no longer have such a heavy debt. However, due to the large number and fervor of Spanish labor unions, the “work more, pay less” campaign probably wouldn’t get very far, unless, of course, they realize that if everyone doesn’t have a job, they won’t have anyone left to protect.

Personally, I am glad to be living in a country where such a severe economic crisis does not exist because, honestly, living with my parents at the age of thirty would be extremely embarrassing. In contrast, though, I wouldn’t mind a nap every day at noon, so in short, I would like to live somewhere where I can have a siesta but not have to deal with the repercussions of a country in crisis.

Truthfully, I wish I could converse with someone who has actually lived through eurozone crisis and get a feel for the mentality that the Spaniards have now. I feel that, this way, I could understand the situation a bit better and finally understand why the Spaniards aren’t as panicked as we would be in that situation. The only problem? I don’t know anyone who has experienced this tragedy first-hand!

Here are some ideas to help you to select a product to sell in Spain during the current Spanish economic crisis:

Spain should have more factories so a factory would be a good choice. Having more factories would lower the need to import goods from other countries, thus lowering spending. Additionally, this would lower the unemployment rate because, after all, more factories create more jobs.

Secondly, the Spanish would do well to get a better education in economics. They could come to esteemed economic universities like Harvard or Wharton to learn about the economy and then return to Spain and help them resolve the crisis using the skills that they have learned.

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